Mark Twain & Mary Baker Eddy - A film by Val Kilmer


Jean Clemens

Jean Clemens, is the third and youngest of Twain’s three daughters and has suffered from epilepsy since she was fifteen. After losing his favorite daughter, Susie, to meningitis, Twain has spared no expense seeking a cure for Jean. She has spent many years in a private sanatorium and has only recently returned home in time for Christmas. We see in Jean the joy and madness of her father, but inside a frail female body.

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142 Responses to “Jean Clemens”

  1. Keith Lockridge says:

    Dakota Fanning as a young Jean and Kate Hudson as an adult.

  2. Bernice Moody-Falk says:

    I would suggest Mary Steenberger for the adult Jean Clemens.

  3. Susan says:

    Amanda Plummer

  4. Petra K. says:

    Emily Mortimer

  5. Zooey Deschanel has that sweet, demure, wide-eyed innocent yet capable of quirky behaviour going for.

    Then there is the most recently very popular Kristen Stewart who is likable as vulnerable and mysterious in the Twilight series and yet cool, detached and strong as Joan Jett.

    And I just came across a little known “Isild Le Besco, France’s multi-award winning and multi-talented actress:
    The twenty two-year-old actress is oddly beautiful, without the smooth, stylish poise one comes to expect from French films. At times, in fact, she can appear almost demented…and is possession of the most genuine, awe-inspiring smiles in cinema today.”

  6. rita says:

    I look at her and see Glen Close

  7. Nona Ubiznez says:

    angelina Joli

  8. Shelagh Reddy says:

    Ginnifer Goodwin from Mona Lisa Smile

  9. Shelagh Reddy says:

    Here’s another suggestion. Ellen Page.

  10. Ginny Nilsen says:

    Annabeth Gish – I’ve always appreciated her acting talent and she starred in a CBS Sunday night movie “What Love Sees” about a Christian Science couple and their children.

  11. Christina says:

    Ellen page or kristen stewart

  12. Alis says:

    I see Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

  13. David says:

    Julia Styles or Ellen Page

  14. Kim says:

    How old is Jean supposed to be?

  15. Shepherd Griffin says:

    Emma Thompson

  16. Janel Opeka says:

    How about Summer Glau?

  17. French-guy Hugo says:

    Rose Byrne

  18. vicki says:

    andie mcdowell

  19. Jennifer Davis says:

    Angelina Jolie

  20. Nancy says:

    Ellen Page or Maggie Gyllenhaal

  21. Benedicta says:

    Hilary Swank would very convincing in the part, as she is in all the roles she play.

  22. Mia says:

    Dakota Fanning as the young Jean and Mary Steenberger as the adult Jean. Or Isild Le Besco as the adult Jean. Both have that genius, sweet, and quirky style.

  23. Cindy says:

    Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

  24. Marnie says:

    Sandra Bullock

  25. Mary says:

    Wynona Ryder

  26. Sherry says:

    Kristin Chenoweth

  27. Malene Kofod says:

    Winona Ryder or Maggie Gyllenhaal, great acting skills and able to be fragile looking in a role like this.

  28. Marie says:

    Danice Crawford, because she could channel some catharsis

  29. Coll says:

    Hmm what about Rachel Weisz, Jennifer Connelly, Emily Mortimer or Maggie Gyllenhaal…

  30. Dalemarie Davis says:

    Annabeth Gish.

  31. Linda Laude says:

    Anne Hathaway or Emma Watson

  32. Anthea says:

    Holly Hunter immediately came to mind. I know so little about the actual Jean Clemens though…. not sure what age she would be in the film either

  33. Rebekah Ricks says:

    Winona Ryder

  34. I think Sandra Bullock, A good,decent (my husband thinks)an incredible strong woman

  35. J. Miller says:

    Robin Weigert would be perfect for this role!

  36. bethany hancock says:

    Donna Stephenson, actress, Nashville, Tn would be perfect for this role and an unknown.

  37. mark says:

    Amy Adams

  38. Ty says:

    Catherine Keener could handle both the light and dark aspects of the character, while still appearing in her mid-30s (even though she isn’t).

  39. Diana says:

    Dakota Fanning

  40. Doris Temme says:

    Thought of Laura Dern or Natalie Portman depending on Jean Clemens age.

  41. Rebecca says:

    NOT Angelina Jolie! NO NO NO NO NO!!!!!! I don’t think she has it in her.

    Whoever said Anne Hathaway is on track. Someone with innocence in her face and a kind demeanor.

    I think personally that people for this should be new actors. Find us some new actors Mr. Kilmer! Go to the Shakespeare schools.

  42. Barbara Tosh says:

    Glen Close ,Kate Blanchett

  43. Cindy says:

    Claire Forlani

  44. Tori says:

    Ellen Page is extreamly talented. I think finding a new actress is a great idea. Being an actress myself I know what an opprotunity like that could do for someone. It would be the chance of a life time!

  45. Amber says:

    I agree with the Amanda Plummer suggestion. I think this film deserves quality not star quality and someone like Angelina Jolie or Kate Hudson would change the dynamic and purpose of the project.
    Amanda Plummer has the talent and creative layers to really pull of a character like this one.
    There’s also a lot of really interesting talent coming out of the UK right now.

  46. Cindy says:

    Catherine Keener or Julia Louis-Dreyfus.

  47. I know i am taking a chance here, but what have I got to lose? I am an actress. though i have never done film I have done theatre for many years now. I am familiar with Christian Science, and this story sounds fascinating, looking at these two historic characters and how their lives intertwine…

    I know i am rather young looking, but maybe with a makeup job i could look older and resemble Jean…fantastic makeup job done on Val Kilmer for the part of Twain by the way…flawless.

    peace and love.

  48. Tasunara says:

    Mia Wasikowska, I’d say. She’s good enough and has a very rich background in independent film.

  49. Annet Ummels-Majolee says:

    Glenn Close is a very good actress and shows great resemblance.

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